Collaborating on a book! Fashion Backstage to Runway

This Summer during a spell of time between sad news and ill health, I got a DM that provided much needed positive focus and distraction.

Jodie Austen aka Peachy Stylist wanted to see if I was interested in being part of a creative project photographer, Paul Cunningham was putting together and looking for a makeup artist alongside hairdresser and model to share their experience of the reality of and expertise in what it's like working backstage and offer some insight into those wanting to work in the fashion industry as well as being a great addition for the coffee table.

I eagerly found out more information from the photographer, got a copy of the initial PDF and began writing my draft. This is really real I thought, time to work. So many thoughts came to mind like how do I put down 20 or so seasons worth of fashion week experiences into x amount of words?! I worked my first season in 2009 and today I can barely remember what I did yesterday. Do I even remember what happened as it is generally a blur? Is this going to happen, my words become published in a book?

I directed the anxiety I felt into excitement in reliving the shows. I put pen to paper vigorously tapped the keyboard trying to not let thoughts of memories escape my mind as I typed. I managed to turn it all around fairly quickly, I quietly surprised myself and sent to various friends who have experience in editing. Before I knew it the final version was complete and the next time I would see it would be in a hard copy!

It was wonderful to reflect on memories and moments of madness I had forgotten about. This has been a highlight of 2019 and a wonderful milestone in my career I honestly can't quite believe it *pinches myself.*

Dreams take a long time to manifest and from the outside can seem to simply appear and happen minus all the years of hard work. I am learning to own it and respect the outcome rather than feel undeserving of it.

This is a perfect addition to your book collection and available on amazon. Let me know if you get a copy and tag me in your pictures.


Lisa x


2019 ended with a model recommends


Makeup artist interview with Zahra Hassani